The nurses profession has existed through centuries in some form or the other. Are you looking for nurses uniform supplier ? Total Image Group all uniform and designs supplier with affordable prices. . Healing methods, as we all know, were primitive in those days. With the advancement of science and technology, the field of medicine has made progress in leaps and bounds. Nurses uniforms are however, comparatively new additions in this field. Nurses clothing or uniforms are today worn by almost all nurses professionals who work in hospitals and clinics. Nurses Uniform Supplier There was a time when nurses only wore white starched dresses and caps. custom made uniforms for nurses nurses have become more user-friendly, trendy and fashionable. The days of drab green uniform supplie have given way to more stylish nurses uniforms. These are created out of softer materials and are available in a variety of colors, and in cheerful prints. The bright cheerful prints in the nurses' cl...